Best Airbnb Name Ideas (With Catchy Examples)

photo of Dana Lane
Dana Lane
August 2, 2024

Every airbnb property listings has it's own title and choosing a first-rate name for your listing can be a fantastic opportunity to sell future guests on what makes your airbnb property so special. Naming your listing is a chance to inform potential guests what they can expect from your airbnb vacation rental when they first encounter your property on the airbnb website or app. An outstanding name will help you to place yourself apart from the crowded competition and show off your superlative selling points.

The first thing that potential guests see when scrolling through airbnb listings will be your photos and your listing title. You know what they say about first impressions - right? So, bearing that in mind, it's time to get your creative juices flowing and come up with an attention-grabbing moniker that will draw guests in, making them want to book in at your short term rental immediately.

Giving your Airbnb property a unique, well-thought-out name might be more important than you first thought. An enticing name will help make your vacation rental stand out, in turn bring more airbnb guests to the table.

In this blog we've got a wealth of ideas that will inspire you to come up with a great name, thus optimizing your property listings rental potential and making your property more memorable at the same time.

Airbnb Name Ideas: What’s In A Name?

Your airbnb listing name appears at the top of your listing along with your main photo. Hosts have an allotted 50 characters available to use for their listing name. In order to appeal to your target audience, an interesting and catchy name is a fantastic way to make your property listing instantly visible and more attractive. Alluring and engaging descriptions will help to bring more traffic your way, generating more revenue for your property listing.

Many hosts are content with using names such as 'studio apartment in La Paz' or 'two bedroom home in Toronto' but we think they're missing out on an important trick here when it comes to attracting new business. These types of very basic ,essentially generic names don't inspire guests to investigate further and they only achieve the bare minimum in terms of vacation rental description.

The benefits of a well thought out name don't stop there. It makes perfect sense to match your property listing name with your social media accounts and your rental website. This is one of the secrets to making your property more visible when searched for, and improving your online presence.

Guests who enjoyed their stay with you should be able to remember your vacation rentals name effortlessly and then tell their friends about it. With the same name across all platforms these friends will be able to find your details easily, and you can expect to receive the full reward from previous guests recommendations.

Your name is also an opportunity to let guests know what special amenities you have that set your vacation rental apart from the others. You can't list all the amenities in your property in your 50 character title, but if you have a hot tub, private swimming pool, fire pit or pool table then it could well be worth mentioning in the name to grab your potential guests attention.

In short, a unique property name is going to be more memorable, encouraging word of mouth promotion and making it easier for future guests to find your details with a quick search on the internet.

How To Come Up With A Unique Airbnb Name: Top Tips

There are a few simple tricks of the trade that we recommend to help your name pop from the page. An airbnb name is never going to be too long so there isn't much scope for anything overly complicated here. Make full use of our simple secrets along with some popular airbnb theme ideas and you should be well on your way to coming up with a unique and compelling title for your listing.

Be Descriptive

Guests want to understand as much as possible about your vacation rental from the first glance. They want to know what they're looking at and whether it's worth their time investigating further. Adding in a simple adjective at the beginning of your description such as 'cozy', 'sunny', 'spacious' or even 'awesome' helps to entice the reader and gives them a little bit more detail regarding your airbnb listing.

Adding in a positive adjective at the beginning of your vacation rentals title is a great, and easy, first step towards giving yourself a better airbnb name. Naming your listing 'Comfy living space in downtown Amsterdam', for example, is more likely to draw future guests attention than something less descriptive, such as 'studio apartment in Amsterdam'.

It's worth getting in as much descriptive detail into your 50 character title as possible.

Focus on the Location or Theme of Your Property

Every property is different and in order to attract occupants to yours it is important to know your USP or 'Unique Selling Proposition'. Maybe your biggest selling point is simply your location, but it could also be something like floor to ceiling windows, an outdoor fire pit, a private pool, hot tub or even a Caribbean theme to your property. It's important to decide on how you want to brand yourself and then maintain cohesive airbnb theme ideas for your property - starting with the name.

A winning formula when it comes to creating vacation rental names is adjective + property type + USP. This formula creates names that describe your property concisely with a nice touch of marketing added in, all within your 50 characters.

Examples of how to use this formula might be 'charming loft with stunning views', 'bright one bedroom home featuring private garden', 'beautiful historic home in Yaletown' or 'Cozy cottage near hiking trails'.

If you do decide to use your location, try mentioning a local landmark instead of simply 'Downtown LA' you could say 'near the Bradbury Building' instead. As you can see, adding in a little bit of marketing-style description into your airbnb listing name goes a long way.

Use Alliteration or Rhyming Words

In order to make your listing name more memorable and improve your chances of getting free word-of-mouth publicity we suggest you try and play around with the words in your listing name a little bit. A bit of creativity can really help you to stand out.

Alliteration is a simple wordplay tactic that is easily put into practice. 'Holiday home with private hot tub!' is the sort of handle that will be easily recalled by your satisfied guests, who can then tell their friends about you - and how to find you. Play around with name options until you find something that trips off the tongue, makes you stand out and generally draws attention to your listing.

Another trick you might want to employ is to get some rhyming words in there that entice browsers such as 'fun in the sun' or 'cozy nook overlook'. A simple rule of thumb when naming your listing is that people will always notice and remember unusual names, so do your best to get away from the mundane and let your imagination run wild, it will pay off further down the line.

Use a Play on Words or Puns

Putting a smile on peoples faces is always a winner, plus it's a surefire way to make yourself more memorable. Why not break away from the norm and get a pun in when naming your vacation rental? Okay this might be harder than adding an adjective but try a bit of brainstorming and see if you can come up with some quirky and catchy theme ideas.

Use a Proper Name

Another angle that you might consider taking when naming your vacation rental could be to give it a proper name. Proper names sound more formal and imply a level of proffessionalism that your airbnb rental might benefit from.

Names such as 'Black Mountain Lodge', 'The Oasis' or 'Pinehurst Penthouse' all have a certain ring to them and add a level of mystique to the properties that invites guests to find out more. Always remember that naming your listing is a branding exercise so try and pick a proper name that encapsulates your airbnb themes.

Research Other Airbnb Names in Your Area

Checking out the competition is always important in business. Having a look at the other airbnb vacation rentals in your area might give you some inspiration for a start but it can also be helpful in other ways.

Have a look through local listings and get a feel for which names make you want to enquire further, and which listings don't fill you with inspiration. This exercise should help to show the importance of a good name, or you may find that most local property listings haven't really thought about their names like you will - so you know you will be one step ahead of the competition.

The other very important benefit from looking at the other properties is that you will be in a better position to stand out from them, and not repeat them. If there is already a 'cozy cottage for weekend getaway' then you may have to rethink your title.

Keep it Short and Simple

Always remember to be concise when naming your listing. You have a limited number of characters but it's important to stick to the prinicpal features of your airbnb. Stay on point and don't go too far from the reservation here or you will end up simply confusing guests.

Best Airbnb Property Names Examples

Here's a list of great airbnb property name examples that we hope will inspire you when naming your own property:

  • Cozy Room in Williamsburg – breakfast included
  • Spacious and sunny bedroom with gorgeous view
  • The Bayfront Apartment
  • Zion EcoCabin
  • Adorable house in Redwoods with lots of privacy
  • 19th Century Schoolhouse
  • Large Loft with work space for digital nomads
  • Historic Guesthouse and Gardens
  • The Peaceful Place
  • Home in the historic district, next to museums
  • UrbanVogue Accommodation
  • Bright apartment close to French Quarter
  • Dreamy A-Frame
  • Luxurious Waterfront Bungalow w/ Large Sun Deck
  • Silverlake Hills Hidden Gem

Airbnb Name Generator Tools

If you aren't feeling the naming vibe for your vacation rental then there are a host of airbnb name generator tools out there that can aid you in creating a handle that will get future guests on the hook. Most of these tools are powered by artificial intelligence and even if they don't come up with a name that you love they may inspire you with some ideas that help you come up with a killer name for your listing.

Here's a few tools you might want to try out:

Funny Airbnb Name Examples

It never hurts to make potential guests laugh. Here's a list of amusing airbnb names for you to draw inspiration from:

  • Shore Thing
  • Looney Dunes
  • Morning Glory Cottage
  • The Last resort
  • A-Frame-zing Adventures
  • The Batcave
  • Lazy Daze
  • Fiddler on the Reef
  • Sand Castle
  • Bear Necessities

Useful Abbreviations to Save Characters

We recommend that when describing your vacation rental you use as close to all 50 characters as possible. People want to know as much about your listing as possible on first inspection. If 50 characters isn't quite enough for your description, here's a few abbreviations you can use to save a bit of space:

  • & = And
  • APT = Apartment
  • Air Conditioning – AC
  • And – &
  • Apartment – Apt
  • Bathroom – Bath
  • Bedroom – BR
  • Central Business District - CBD
  • Downtown – Dt
  • House – HS
  • Private – Pvt
  • With – W/

Our Ultimate Airbnb Host Checklist

So you're finally ready to name your airbnb property listing? We've compiled a ten-point checklist of the most important things to remember when coming up with that all-important title:

1. Get descriptive

Simply naming your property 'apartment in Woodstock' isn't going to cut the mustard. Add in adjectives such as 'comfy', 'modern' or 'spacious' to describe your listing.

2. Work out your USP

Know what sells your property and tell your guests about it! If your vacation rental is ideal as a romantic getaway let people know. Maybe your listing boasts spectacular sunset views - whatever it is, you've got it, so flaunt it.

3. Be creative

Try letting your creative side take over and you may come up with a more interesting name. Don't be afraid to use alliteration or some rhyming words in your handle.

4. Be funny

If you can make your future guests laugh it's the perfect way to come up with memorable names that can only help to bring you more customers and better word-of-mouth publicity.

5. Great amenities sell

Jacuzzis, hot tubs, fast WiFi and fully-equipped modern kitchens are among the most sought-after amenities guests look for on airbnb. Let the customer know what great benefits they're getting at your vacation rental.

6. Check the competition

Have a look at other local listing. This is great for inspiration but also to see what sets you apart from the crowd in your area.

7. Look into name generator tools

Feeling stuck? Suffering from house-namers block? See if some airbnb name generator tools can help you to come up with a noteworthy name.

8. Use abbreviations

Airbnb allows you a maximum of 50 letters to describe your property listing. We suggest you use as much of that as possible. If 50 characters isn't enough to describe your property check out our list of helpful abbreviations above to save a few characters

9. Try a proper name

Proper names such as 'Palm Springs Bungalow Hideaway' or 'The Beach House' can add a level of professionalism to your property listing.

10. Sell yourself

Always know your strengths and play to them. Decide what makes your property listing so amazing and let your guests know. Use your property name as a marketing tool and reap the benefits.


  1. How do I choose a name for Airbnb? Think about your airbnb name like a branding statement. Choose a moniker that concisely sums up all the best selling points of your airbnb vacation rental.
  2. How do I name my Airbnb LLC? Choosing a business name for your Limited Liability Company doesn't need t be a complicated procedure. Keep it short, sweet, simple and related to your airbnb listing name. A shortened version of your listing title is advisable here.
  3. Do you need a business name for Airbnb? A business name isn't strictly necessary to be an airbnb host but it is recommended. Setting up an LLC will help protect your assets and keep you in line with the legal side of things.
  4. How do I start a unique Airbnb? If you want your vacation rental to stand out from the crowd then think about unique airbnb theme ideas. Focus on having a concept that isn't mainstream and creating a property listing that is truly niche, whether that is creating a Barbie dream house or a Star Wars man cave is totally up to you.
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